Okay, so now we've hidden the processes from Eve so Bob and Alice can engage in commerce in privacy and peace. So we're all good, right? They can no longer mess with each other, right? Not quite. We're almost there.
So now, say it's Black Friday, Boxing Day or Singles' Day (three of the biggest shopping days in the year, pick the one that makes the most sense to you 😄) and Bob and Alice are gearing up for their biggest sales day of the year. Everything is ready to go and at 9:00AM their site suddenly goes down without warning. What happened!? They log on to their chroot'd, unshare'd shell on your server and see that the CPU is pegged at 100% and there's no more memory available to allocate! Oh no! What happened?
The first explanation could be that Eve has her site running on another virtual server and simply logged on and ran a malicious script that ate up all the available resources for Bob and Alice so that their sites would go down and Eve would be the only site that was up, increasing her sales.
However, another (possibly more likely) explanation is that both Bob's and Alice's sites got busy at the same time and that in and of itself took all the resources without any malice involved, taking down their sites and everyone else's on the server. Or perhaps Bob's site had a memory leak and that was enough to take all the resources available.
Suffice it to say, we still have a problem. Every isolated environment has access to all physical resources of the server. There's no isolation of physical components from these environments.
Enter the hero of this story: cgroups, or control groups. Google saw this same problem when building their own infrastructure and wanted to protect runaway processes from taking down entire servers and made this idea of cgroups, so you can say "this isolated environment only gets so much CPU, so much memory, etc. and once it's out of those it's out-of-luck, it won't get any more."
This is a bit more difficult to accomplish but let's go ahead and give it a shot.
cgroups v2 is now the standard. Run
grep -c cgroup /proc/mounts
in your terminal. If the number that is greater than one, the system you're using is cgroups v1. Click here if you want to try to get your system from cgroup v1 to v2. As this is fairly involved, I would just suggest using a more recent version of Ubuntu, as it will have cgroups v2 on it.If you want to learn cgroups v1 (which I would not suggest, as they're getting phased out), the first version of this course teaches them.
cgroups, as we have said, allow you to move processes and their children into groups which then allow you to limit various aspects of them. Imagine you're running a single physical server for Google with both Maps and GMail having virtual servers on it. If Maps ships an infinite loop bug and it pins the CPU usage of the server to 100%, you only want Maps to go down and not GMail just because it happens to be colocated with Maps. Let's see how to do that.
You interact with cgroups by a pseudo-file system. Honestly, the whole interface feels weird to me but that is what it is! Inside your #2 terminal (the non-unshared one) run cd /sys/fs/cgroup
and then run ls
. You'll see a bunch of "files" that look like cpu.max
, cgroup.procs
, and memory.high
. Each one of these represents a setting that you can play with with regard to the cgroup. In this case, we are looking at the root cgroup: all cgroups will be children of this root cgroup. The way you make your own cgroup is by creating a folder inside of the cgroup.
# creates the cgroup
mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox
# look at all the files created automatically
ls /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox
We now have a sandbox cgroup, which is a child of the root cgroup and can put limits on it! If we wanted to create a child of sandbox, as you may have guessed, just create another folder inside of sandbox.
Let's move our unshared environment into the cgroup. Every process belongs to exactly one cgroup. If you move a process to a cgroup, it will automatically be removed from the cgroup it was in. If we move our unshared bash process from the root cgroup to the sandbox cgroup, it will be removed from the root cgroup without you doing anything.
# Find your isolated bash PID, it's the bash one immediately after the unshare
ps aux
# should see the process in the root cgroup
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.procs
# puts the unshared env into the cgroup called sandbox
echo <PID> > /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox/cgroup.procs
# should see the process in the sandbox cgroup
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox/cgroup.procs
# should see the process no longer in the root cgroup - processes belong to exactly 1 cgroup
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.proc
We now have moved our unshared bash process into a cgroup. We haven't placed any limits on it yet but it's there, ready to be managed. We have a minor problem at the moment though that we need to solve.
# should see all the available controllers
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers
# there's no controllers
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox/cgroup.controllers
# there's no controllers enabled its children
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.subtree_control
You have to enable controllers for the children and none of them are enabled at the moment. You can see the root cgroup has them all enabled, but hasn't enabled them in its subtree_control so thus none are available in sandbox's controllers. Easy, right? We just add them to subtree_control, right? Yes, but one problem: you can't add new subtree_control configs while the cgroup itself has processes in it. So we're going to create another cgroup, add the rest of the processes to that one, and then enable the subtree_control configs for the root cgroup.
# make new cgroup for the rest of the processes, you can't modify cgroups that have processes and by default Docker doesn't include any subtree_controllers
mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/other-procs
# see all the processes you need to move, rerun each time after you add as it may move multiple processes at once due to some being parent / child
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.procs
# you have to do this one at a time for each process
echo <PID> > /sys/fs/cgroup/other-procs/cgroup.procs
# verify all the processes have been moved
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.procs
# add the controllers
echo "+cpuset +cpu +io +memory +hugetlb +pids +rdma" > /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.subtree_control
# notice how few files there are
ls /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox
# all the controllers now available
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox/cgroup.controllers
# notice how many more files there are now
ls /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox
We did it! We went ahead and added all the possible controllers, but normally you should add just the ones you need. If you want to learn more about what each of them does, the kernel docs are quite readable.
Let's get a third terminal going. From your host OS (Windows or macOS or your own Linux distro, not within Docker) run another docker exec -it docker-host bash
. That way, we can have #1 inside the unshared environment, #2 running our commands, and #3 giving us a visual display of what's going with htop
, a visual tool for seeing what process, CPU cores, and memory are doing.
So, let's do three little exercises to demonstrate what we can do with a cgroup. First, let's make it so the unshared environment only has access to 80MB of memory instead of all of it.
# a cool visual representation of CPU and RAM being used
apt-get install htop
# from #3 so we can watch what's happening
# run this from #1 terminal and watch it in htop to see it consume about a gig of RAM and 100% of CPU core
yes | tr \\n x | head -c 1048576000 | grep n
# from #2, (you can get the PID from htop) to stop the CPU from being pegged and memory from being consumed
kill -9 <PID of yes>
# should see max, so the memory is unlimited
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox/memory.max
# set the limit to 80MB of RAM (the number is 80MB in bytes)
echo 83886080 > /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox/memory.max
# from inside #1, see it limit the RAM taken up; because the RAM is limited, the CPU usage is limited
yes | tr \\n x | head -c 1048576000 | grep n
I think this is very cool. We just made it so our unshared environment only has access to 80MB of RAM, so despite a script being run to literally just consume RAM, it was limited to only consuming 80MB of it.
However, as you saw, the user inside of the container could still peg the CPU if they wanted to. Let's fix that. Let's only give them 5% of a core.
# inside #1 / the cgroup/unshare – this will peg one core of a CPU at 100% of the resources available, see it peg 1 CPU
yes > /dev/null
# from #2, (you can get the PID from htop) to stop the CPU from being pegged
kill -9 <PID of yes>
# from #2 this allows the cgroup to only use 5% of a CPU
echo '5000 100000' > /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox/cpu.max
# inside #1 / the cgroup/unshare – this will peg one core of a CPU at 5% since we limited it
yes > /dev/null
# from #2, to stop the CPU from being pegged, get the PID from htop
kill -9 <PID of yes>
Pretty cool, right? Now, no matter how bad the code is we run inside of our chroot'd, unshare'd, cgroup'd environment, we cannot take more than 5% of a CPU core.
One more demo, the dreaded fork bomb. A fork bomb is a script that forks itself into multiple processes, which then fork themselves, which then fork themselves, etc., until all resources are consumed and it crashes the computer. It can be written plainly as
fork() {
fork | fork &
but you'll see it written as :(){ :|:& };:
where :
is the name of the function instead of fork
So someone could run a fork bomb on our system right now and it'd limit the blast radius of CPU and RAM but creating and destroying so many processes still carries a toll on the system. What we can do to more fully prevent a fork bomb is limit how many PIDs can be active at once. Let's try that.
# See how many processes the cgroup has at the moment
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox/pids.current
# See how many processes the cgroup can create before being limited (max)
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox/pids.max
# set a limit that the cgroup can only run 3 processes at a time
echo 3 > /sys/fs/cgroup/sandbox/pids.max
# this runs 5 15 second processes that run and then stop. run this from within #2 and watch it work. now run it in #1 and watch it not be able to. it will have to retry several times
for a in $(seq 1 5); do sleep 15 & done
# DO NOT RUN THIS ON YOUR COMPUTER. This is a fork bomb. If not accounted for, this would bring down your computer. However we can safely run inside our #1 because we've limited the amount of PIDs available. It will end up spawning about 100 processes total but eventually will run out of forks to fork.
:(){ :|:& };:
Attack prevented! 3 processes is way too few for anyone to do anything meaningful, but by limiting the max PIDs available it allows you to limit what damage could be done. I'll be honest, this is the first time I've run a fork bomb on a computer and it's pretty exhilirating. I felt like I was in the movie Hackers. Hack the planet!.
And now we can call this a container. You have handcrafted a container. A container is literally nothing more than what we did together. There are other sorts of technologies that will accompany containers, like runtimes and daeomons, but the containers themselves are just a combination of chroot, namespaces, and cgroups! Using these features together, we allow Bob, Alice, and Eve to run whatever code they want and the only people they can mess with is themselves.
So while this is a container at its most basic sense, we haven't broached more advance topics like networking, deploying, bundling, or anything else that something like Docker takes care of for us. But now you know at its most base level what a container is, what it does, and how you could do this yourself, but you'll be grateful that Docker does it for you. On to the next lesson!